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Updated Review of the Fujifilm Instax mini 11
 The Fuji Instax Mini 11 is latest craze in instant cameras, but is it worth it?  Lets take a look, this  a great family camera, a gift, recording  wedding adventures and possibly the perfect missionary camera. With 5 cool colours you can be you in your choice. Is this the little camera that could?
Why the craze?
First many baby boomers will remember their first experience with the polaroid instant cameras with the take and shake pictures. Â Ok so it was pretty cool, but honestly this Fuji Instax Mini 11 blows that away. Â Great quality pictures in colour and or black and white. Â You can check out the listings here:
check latest price
To many Colors to list them all, but check them out here for your self   Â
Amazon choices of Fujifilm Mini 11
Is it perfect?  No it has some draw backs  Indoor lighting can be a challenge. Pictures as with older polaroid lean toward the darker side.  Great in the outdoor lighting.  Make sure your settings are on bright.
Pictures are a little smaller  thus the mini conceptÂ
Who’s is the Fuji Mini 11 for and whats it’s real value?
Recently saw at an engagement, many pictures printed of the couple together and hung from ribbons. Then more were added through the night was so popular, everyone seemed to love it. Â Could also be a wedding party addition. Â No waiting for all those great professional pictures take some with you now.

Added features of the Fuji Instax Mini 11
This series also has a selfie mirror added which is a cool feature.
For the whole family
Children love this camera and it isn’t so fragile that you can’t let them use it or give to them as a gift. Â They love taking pictures especially capturing embarrassing moments. Â This camera actually teaches them many things including patience. Â Better than a smartphone.
My Favourite use for the Fuji Instax Mini 11!
In the title I mentioned missionary use.  This is amazing.  I think every church that has a missionary out reach or sponsors them needs this camera.  It is not that expensive as I showed you .  This  camera  the  Fuji Instax mini 11 will capture those special moments and make so many memories.
I still remember handing the first picture to a local who had never seen a picture of themselves before. Â They ran through the village showing everyone. Â All the teeth they had left were gleaming with joy. Â What a special moment. Â I knew then this was something special.
Spread the word
If your reading this and you go to a church like that, encourage them to get one or maybe you can buy it and deduct it as a donation and give it to them.

Other uses for the Fuji Instax Mini 11
What about the homeless, like the people missionaries often visit they can’t do digital smartphone stuff. Â Take a picture of you and them of them and their dog of them and a friend. Â Give them the pictures it could mean the world.

What about Nursing homes with people who lose friends to early and would love a picture. Â What about that grandma who has lost her memory give her a picture with the loved ones if and when they visit.
Do you get the picture?  This camera can be something special and create something even more special.  Buy one, give one away, make laughter come back to life.  In conclusion this is for sure the little camera that could  so now for you, just do it.
If you want  buy whole the package from Amazon,  get started now..
Ok that’s it see you on the next review.. Â RDD with OVS
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